Mudacumura Publishing House


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Inzozi za Sugira
Inzozi za Sugira

Sugira does not like to brush her teeth. One day, she finds herself in her mouth dealing with good and bad microbes in her mouth.

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Kunda kuvumbura
Kunda kuvumbura

Home made science expirements by kids

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Inzozi za Sugira Filimi y'Ikinyarwanda
Inzozi za Sugira Filimi y'Ikinyarwanda

Sugira is a 7-year-old girl who lives with her mother, Kamaliza does not like to brush her teeth. One day, she finds herself in her mouth dealing with good and bad microbes in her mouth.

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Rêves de Sugira Bande annonce
Rêves de Sugira Bande annonce

Sugira, notre protagoniste se retrouve dans un monde fictif de sa cavité buccale. Elle rencontre les bons microbes qui protègent les dents dirigées par le roi AAA et les mauvais microbes dirigés par le méchant Zezeze. L'histoire est une animation active divertissant et enseignant aux enfants l'hygiène buccale au niveau microscopique.

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